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Plan now to unite with your fellow believers from various holiness denominations at the next holiness summit near you. There is no cost and no pre-registration required to attend.
Holiness Legacy is helping the church reclaim the message of Christian holiness. We would love for you to partner with us. Find out more about what we do and how you can help!
“The scriptural message of holiness is the most hope filled message that can be presented to our world. It is a timeless message because it addresses the depth of the human problem of sin. It promises the full inner transformation from bondage to sin to freedom to be like Jesus. I believe it is essential for the churches in the Wesleyan theological tradition to gather and discuss how we should present this timeless message in our current culture. It is my hope that many church leaders will participate in these two summits and that the glorious message of heart holiness will once again reverberate across our land.”